Text Edit Plus 5.7

Text Edit Plus is a lightweight tool that enables users to easily create new text documents or to modify existing ones. The application is designed as an alternative to Notepad, by offering a wider set of features.

Some of the features:
-Adding date and time.
-Encode and decode text.
-Combine lines.
-Command system for extracting the desired text.
-Delete empty lines. Delete same lines. Filter lines.
-Full screen view.
-Generate e-mail list.
-Generate quick stats. Generate word list.
-Import picture as text (ASCII art). Insert numbers. Insert text into beginning or end of lines. Lowercase and uppercase conversion.
-Randomize lines. Reverse lines. Sort lines. Trim lines.

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A smart duplicate text finder, that can find block

A smart duplicate text finder, that can find blocks of text such as full sentences or say 80% same - needs to have selectable match value from 50% plus. Needs to present matches to allow for easy deletion of the block you don't want to keep....
ray hines, 16.10.2019, 15:25
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A customisable Text Editor

This should already be available but where? Should be do-able with simple scripting language? The idea is to provide a basic text editor with some features like yours, but all features can be broken down to a script and so be modified. Also...
ray hines, 16.10.2019, 15:53
0 votes Vote

A smart text tagging system

Have you ever written a bunch of notes, stream of thought, ideas, tasks, memory joggers, diary log, how you did something, solution to problem etc etc so you can go back and find some information again if the need arises? Trouble is it is very...
ray hines, 16.10.2019, 15:42